(Clovis) Unit 7- Creative media sector

Unit 7- creative media sector:

  • cross-media convergence and synergy- sectors working together 
Sectors working together:
  • vertical(film companies will merge tryster merged with Columbia which became one) and horizontal (when a company buys another company which is completely different) integration-  vert= same but taller, horiz= different but wider
  • share of ownership- who owns the company (Virgin-Richard Branson has controlling shares of the company but does not own it out right(not owning everything)
  • mergers- two companies join together and takeovers
  • sources of income
  • product diversity
  • profitability of product range
  • performance against financial concerns
  • organisational objectives
  • licenses and franchises
  • competitors (national and global)
  • audience and consumption  


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