Unit 21: How narrative in film is created through editing (Clovis)

How narrative in film is created through editing 

·     Continuity editing- multiple/different shots to make it seem like one continuous movement, the closer to the object/character the more importance, 10 shots.
·     Temporal editing- editing of time (flash back/ flash forward), length of the time.
·     Spatial editing- editing people moving through a space/area (outside-inside).

Juxtaposition 1+1=3
·     The Kuleshoveffect is a film editing (montage) effect demonstrated by Soviet filmmaker Lev Kuleshovin the 1910s and 1920s. It is a mental phenomenon by which viewers derive more meaning from the interaction of two sequential shots than from a single shot in isolation. (food + face=hungry).

·     Cut on action- cutting from one shot to another whilst the character/object is still in motion, action-reaction, continuity editing, to heighten a movement. 
·     Cross cut- cutting from one thing to another (phone conversation and seeing both people), one space to another space, spatial editing, crossing narrative, two things going on at the same time and will meet in the end.
·     Cut away- cutting away to the close up/important object/focusing on one thing.
·     Jump cut- temporal editing, (Commando- Arnold S dressed in 10 seconds – 3 minutes, jumped/cutting through time).
·     Match cut- Forcing you to make a connection, (Physco- her blood (keeps us alive-dying/death) washing down the plug hole(waste)- match cut to her dead eye- extreme close up), matching two things that look the same in a cut most likely the same shape.

·     Slow motion- slowing the time down.
·     Fast motion- speeding time up.
·     Bullet time-spatial editing, slowing down a bullet, moving in slow motion in and around space/action.
·     Flashforward- move time on, show what is happening in the future, save time
·     Flashback- for an explanation

Narrative structure-
·     1941- Citizen Kane
·     1994- Pulp Fiction
Narrative Chronology-
·     Chronological order- Beginning-middle-end, follows a set structure through time
·     Linear and non-linear
·     Narrative structure

(Bonobo ‘Kerala”)


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